
Is Medical Cannabis Right For You? Utilising Plant-Based Medicines for MS Symptom Relief

medicinal cannabis

Is Medical Cannabis Right For You? Utilising Plant-Based Medicines for MS Symptom Relief

In New Zealand, around four thousand people live with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This chronic auto-immune condition damages the myelin sheath which forms a protective layer over the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. When this sheath gets inflamed and damaged, we can be affected in various ways, including the disruption of some bodily functions and the ability to move as we want. We might struggle with balance, and our ability to experience and understand things as we normally would can come and go or deteriorate over time.  

For many Kiwis, living with MS can be debilitating as the central nervous system is affected, and there are a range of challenging symptoms that may emerge over time. Autoimmune conditions are characterised by the body mistakenly attacking itself, which can be very painful. While every patient has a unique experience, there are some shared symptoms which we can highlight here today as we discuss how medicinal cannabis is becoming a more common approach to alleviate symptoms for people living with MS. 

What Causes Multiple Sclerosis?

While there is no definitive cause which has been isolated as to the reason some people develop MS, there is some evidence to show that is a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Females appear to be around three times as likely to be affected than males, and a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis is usually made in people who are over 20 and under 50. 

Common MS Symptoms

Because the condition affects the nervous system, many of the symptoms relate to decreased communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Patients may experience weakness or tremors, and the bladder or bowel may not perform as usual. Alongside dizziness, pain, fatigue, and numbness, many people deal with issues with their vision and spasms in muscles all over the body. Some people also report changes in memory, perception, and cognitive processing.

Treatments for MS

Various tests, including Spinal Taps and MRI scans, are used to diagnose MS alongside physical examinations and a thorough medical history review by a neurologist. Various treatments are prescribed to slow down the progression of MS, and some patients go into what is termed remission, where, for periods of time, the symptoms of the condition recede before another relapse. Other people have a progressive type of MS.

There is currently no cure for MS, but there are a range of treatments for the symptoms of MS. These include:

  • Corticosteroids: These can reduce nerve inflammation and produce side effects like increased blood pressure and glucose levels; they can cause mood swings, fluid retention and insomnia.
  • Interferon beta medications: These are injectables that ‘interfere’ with the disease, often reducing inflammation. It is recommended that patients have regular liver enzyme testing when using these medications.  

In recent years, patients have been able to source a plant-based medicinal option which can provide relief from some of the symptoms of MS. Read on as we discuss how medicinal cannabis is becoming more widely used to address some of the challenges faced by people navigating this condition.

Using Medicinal Cannabis for MS Symptoms

Since 2010, New Zealanders have been able to access medicinal cannabis in a range of formats as an alternative option to sedatives and traditional pain relief. Alongside reported benefits, including the relief of stiffness and muscle pain caused by muscle spasms and nerve damage, some MS sufferers report less sleep disturbance and relief from insomnia and anxiety.  

One option, which can be started at a very low dose and moved up incrementally, is the combination of THC and CBD – which can be administered orally as an oil suspension or presented as a tea. Many people find this approach efficacious, some finding significant relief, while others experience only minimal shifts.

A Treatment – Not a Cure

While medical marijuana is becoming more widely utilised as a way to enhance quality of life and manage some of the symptoms of MS, it is not a cure for the condition itself. Those considering using this plant-based alternative to find some relief from the daily challenges of MS should speak to a qualified practitioner.  Adhering to the recommended approach and dosage will enable you to safely add this treatment alone or alongside other medications.

Safe Integrations With CannaPlus+

If you feel you may be ready to discuss integrating medicinal cannabis into your MS symptom management approach, we can help. We utilise current research and evidence in order to provide all our clients with the most up-to-date information available about the utilisation of cannabis-based products as an effective treatment for MS symptoms. We offer consultations with qualified medical practitioners who are able to draw up a treatment plan and monitor your progress, and we encourage you to discuss your interest in medical marijuana with your current healthcare provider or MS specialist.

Get in Touch

If you or someone you know are struggling with the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, we may be able to help you find some relief.

Book a consultation today to discuss your goals and discover the options that might be available to you should you choose to proceed with utilising medicinal cannabis as a safe, legal way to manage your quality of life.