
How Does CBD Oil Work?

CBD oil

How Does CBD Oil Work?

CBD has become a popular remedy for those who seek natural alternatives for a variety of health issues. It’s one of over 100 compounds known as cannabinoids, that are found in the cannabis plant, and unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects. The fact that CBD doesn’t cause any mind-altering effects is what makes it so appealing to those looking to find relief from life’s discomforts the natural way.

As CBD continues to increase in popularity in the health world, more and more scientific studies are being conducted to explore the benefits it has to offer.

So how exactly do we get CBD oil? It’s made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant, then diluting it with a carrier oil such as MCT oil.

Keep reading! We’ll fill you in on how CBD oil works, how long takes time & what you should be looking for before purchasing CBD Oil products.

1. How CBD Oil works

Our bodies contain a specialized system called the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating different functions including appetite, mood, pain, sleep, and immune system response.

Studies have shown that when taken orally, CBD may ease discomfort by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity, interacting with neurotransmitters, and reducing inflammation. One study in rats found CBD injections reduced pain response to surgical incision, while another study found that oral CBD treatment reduced sciatic nerve pain and inflammation.

Using CBD has also shown to reduce anxiety and depression in both animal and human studies- these qualities are linked to the CBD’s ability to act on the brain’s receptors for serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates social behavior and mood.

2. How long times to start work

So how long does it take CBD to work? To put it simply, there is no “one size fits all” time frame or serving size. The right amount of CBD varies per person since we all have a unique biology that results in a different reaction.

It’s suggested you start with a low serving and slowly increase over time until you feel the relief you seek. While on your CBD journey, try logging your results to keep track of how much you’ve taken, time is taken, and how you felt. It’s also possible to build up a tolerance to CBD, so if you find that it’s no longer working, stop taking it for a few days to “reset” your system, then start up with a different serving size.

3. How to buy CBD Oil

CBD has become very popular these days, so there are a lot of brands to choose from, but always be sure to do your research before deciding on one. Since the FDA has yet to approve any non-prescription CBD products, there are many companies taking advantage of this wellness “trend,” and selling products that are low-quality and not labeled correctly- this is what has unfortunately led many to the question of, does CBD really work? If you were sold a low-quality product, chances are it might be why it’s not working for you.

When deciding which CBD brand is right for you, keep the following in mind:

Buy CBD made from USA-grown hemp, preferably from one of the 10 states where recreational & medical cannabis is legal- there’s a greater chance you’ll get a higher-quality product than if you buy one made with CBD oil imported from abroad.

Look for evidence of third-party lab tests. This testing can reveal exactly how much CBD is in the product and should be available for you to see on the brand’s website.

Thanks for reading this post, if you have any question or suggestion, please drop us a line in the comment box.

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